
Nearby towns include Bouillon (Curfoz 2.2km, Noirefontaine 3.4km, Sensenruth 3.5km, Ucimont 4.2km, Corbion 4.4km, Poupehan 5.1km, Dohan 5.3km, Les Hayons 5.9km, Bellevaux 6km, Mogimont 6.2km, Rochehaut 6.9km and Vivy 8.3km), Vresse-sur-Semois 13km (Alle 8.7km and Mouzaive 9.8km), Paliseul 13km (Nollevaux 9.2km), Bertrix 14.8km (Auby-sur-Semois 8.5km and Cugnon 9.9km) and Bièvre 16.6km (Cornimont 9.1km)
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