In 1971, Lapscheure was incorporated into Moerkerke.
In 1977, Moerkerke was incorporated into Damme.
In 1977, Moerkerke was incorporated into Damme.
Nearby towns include
Damme 6km (Hoeke 2.5km, Moerkerke 3.8km, Oostkerke 4.4km and Sijsele 8.7km), Knokke-Heist 8.7km (Westkapelle 5.5km, Ramskapelle 8.4km and Knokke 8.6km), Maldegem 9.9km (Middelburg 4.8km) and Bruges 12km (Koolkerke 8.5km and Dudzele 9km)
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